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मनोचिकित्साओं की सूची
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यहाँ पर मनोचिकित्साओं (psychotherapies) की सूची अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला के अनुसार दी गयी है।
इस सूची में कुछ ऐसी भी विधियाँ सम्मिलित की गयीं हैं जो मनोचिकित्सा के अन्तर्गत नहीं आतीं किन्तु उनका लक्ष्य भी मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर करना है (बातचीत करके तथा संचार के अन्य विधियों द्वारा)।
२०वीं शताब्दी में अनेकानेक मनोचिकीत्साओं का विकास किया गया। ये सभी लोकप्रियता, और प्रभावशीलता में लगातार परिवर्तित हो रही हैं।
- Abreaction therapy
- Accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP)
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Adlerian therapy
- Adventure therapy
- Analytical psychology
- Animal-assisted therapy
- Art therapy
- Association splitting
- Attack therapy
- Attachment-based psychotherapy
- Attachment-based therapy (children)
- Attachment therapy
- Autogenic training
- Aversion therapy
- Behavioral activation
- Behavior modification
- Behavior therapy
- Bibliotherapy
- Biodynamic psychotherapy
- Bioenergetic analysis
- Biofeedback
- Body psychotherapy
- Brief psychotherapy
- Classical Adlerian psychotherapy
- Chess therapy
- Child psychotherapy
- Client-centered psychotherapy
- Co-counselling
- Cognitive analytic therapy
- Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy
- Cognitive therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Coherence therapy
- Collaborative therapy
- Compassion focused therapy (CFT)
- Concentrative movement therapy
- Contemplative psychotherapy
- Contextual therapy
- Counting method
- Conversational model
- Conversion therapy
- Cultural family therapy
- Dance therapy or dance movement therapy (DMT)
- Decoupling for body-focused repetitive behaviors
- Depth psychology
- Daseinsanalysis
- Developmental needs meeting strategy (DNMS)
- Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
- Drama therapy
- Dreamwork
- Dyadic developmental psychotherapy (DDP)
- Dynamic deconstructive psychotherapy
- Eclectic psychotherapy
- Ecological counseling
- Emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
- Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
- Encounter groups
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
- Existential therapy
- Exposure and response prevention
- Expressive therapies
- Family Constellations
- Family therapy
- Feminist therapy
- Focusing (psychotherapy)
- Freudian psychotherapy
- Functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP)
- Future-oriented therapy
- Gestalt therapy
- Gestalt theoretical psychotherapy
- Grief counseling
- Group analysis
- Group therapy
- Guided affective imagery
- Habit reversal training
- Hakomi
- Holotropic breathwork
- Holding therapy
- Humanistic psychology
- Human Givens
- Hypnotherapy
- Inner Relationship Focusing
- Institutional psychotherapy
- Integral psychotherapy
- Integrative body psychotherapy
- Integrative psychotherapy
- Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy
- Internal Family Systems Model
- Interpersonal psychoanalysis
- Interpersonal psychotherapy
- Interpersonal reconstructive therapy
- Marriage counseling
- MDMA-assisted psychotherapy
- Milieu therapy
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction
- Mentalization-based treatment
- Metacognitive therapy
- Metacognitive training
- Method of levels (MOL)
- Mode deactivation therapy (MDT)
- Morita therapy
- Motivational interviewing
- Multimodal therapy
- Multisystemic therapy
- Multitheoretical psychotherapy
- Music therapy
- Parent–child interaction therapy
- Parent management training
- Pastoral counseling
- Person-centered therapy
- Play therapy
- Poetry therapy
- Positive psychology
- Positive psychotherapy
- Postural Integration
- Primal therapy
- Primal Integration
- Process oriented psychology
- Process psychology
- Progressive counting (PC)
- Prolonged exposure therapy
- Provocative therapy
- Psychedelic therapy
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychodrama
- Psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Psychosynthesis
- Psychotherapy and social action model
- Pulsing (bodywork)
- Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
- Rational living therapy (RLT)
- Reality therapy
- Rebirthing-breathwork
- Recovered-memory therapy
- Reichian therapy
- Relationship counseling
- Relational-cultural therapy
- Remote therapy
- Rogerian psychotherapy
- Rolfing
- Sandplay therapy
- Schema therapy
- Sensorimotor psychotherapy
- Sexual identity therapy
- Sex therapy
- Social therapy
- Solution focused brief therapy
- Somatic experiencing
- Somatic psychology
- Status dynamic psychotherapy
- Structural family therapy
- Supportive psychotherapy
- Systematic desensitization
- Systemic therapy
- T-groups
- Therapeutic community
- Thought Field Therapy
- Transactional analysis
- Transference focused psychotherapy
- Transpersonal psychology
- Transtheoretical model (TTM or "stages of change")
- Twelve-step programs